Well, the number one reason we decided for me to stay home was for our kiddos. The number two reason- to keep up the house! I would suggest to anyone planning on staying home to discuss what the expectation is for when you are at home and make sure that you agree. Many people view staying at home differently and it can be very frustrating for one or both people if they aren't on the same page. My husband and I discussed this in the early stages of planning for me to stay home. We talked about his goals and expectations for me and what I believed my goals and expectations were. Luckily, they were pretty close.
My husband shared early on in our marriage that a clean house was important to him; perhaps more so than for most people. In knowing this, I try my best to keep the house as clean as possible. This has been a TON easier now that I am not at work most of the day and grading the rest of the evening! I did find, however, that when I started my day thinking I'm going to clean the whole house that I accomplished very little OR I accomplished a lot, but felt overwhelmed and pushed aside my kids (my #1 reason for being at home in the first place.) To help me better manage my time, my frustration, and spending time with the boys, I came up with a cleaning schedule! Now don't laugh... it sounds ridiculous, however- boy, it sure does help me feel accomplished! I actually spend less time cleaning because it is focused and already planned out- no thinking about what I should do next. Here is a little sample of what my schedule looks like:
Make beds
Load/Unload dishwasher
**Quick Glance over the bathrooms
Chore of the day
Sweep kitchen floor
Load/Unload dishwasher for next day
Pick-up living room
*This may be folding, putting a new load in, switching out the loads, etc. It also may not need to be done- but I would go around and check all baskets to make sure
**This is just to make sure that if a stranger were to need to use the restroom it would be presentable. I make sure the potty looks okay and all morning items (make-up, deodorant, toothbrush, etc.) are put back in the drawers.
Monday- Deep Vacuum (this is bedrooms, rugs, stairs, hallway)
Tuesday- Windows and Mirrors (my least favorite day!)
Wednesday- Deep Clean Bathrooms (this means scrubbing tubs, showers, sinks, around the potty, etc.)
Thursday- Mop
SATURDAY/ SUNDAY- Only what is necessary for Monday to operate (emergency laundry, pick-up kitchen, etc.) I try to take the weekends off as much as possible and spend time with the hubby and kids!
1st Friday- wipe down all cabinets
2nd Friday- clean baseboards
3rd Friday- clean fans and furniture
4th Friday- spot clean all rugs and upholstery
5th Friday- Doesn't happen often- so take the day off :)
This doesn't always work out. I might get things done quickly and decide to do the next day's chore just because I can and have time. Or... I might have something come up and not get that day done at all. It's okay-- this just gives my mind some sort of plan for the day and allows me to tell myself, "you're done.. you accomplished your cleaning goal for the day! Go play with the boys!!"
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